If you are subjected or witness to an act of hatred  

You can report an offence even if you are not sure whether it is a punishable act of hatred. 

  • Contact the police as soon as possible. A witness may also file a report of an offence. Explain that you suspect that the offence was motivated by hatred toward some group of people. 
  • Write down what has happened and who was involved. Save evidence from the situation if you can. 

More information about reporting a crime. 

Ask for support

If you are the victim or witness of a crime, you may experience anxiety, fear or insecurity.  

  • Victim Support Finland (RIKU) offers support and guidance services to victims of crime and their families, as well as to people who suspect they may be victims of crime.
  • The Non-Discrimination Ombudsman provides assistance and advice in matters concerning discrimination prohibited by the Non-Discrimination Act.
  • The Ombudsman for Equality provides advice and instructions on discrimination situations related to gender, gender identity and gender expression.
  • Other low-threshold support and advisory services also help in situations where the experienced act of hatred may not meet the criteria for a criminal offence set in legislation. Service providers like helplines and school and occupational health care services offer such services.